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An exclusive initiative by the
Accademia Musicale Chigiana
In launching an innovative program for its prestigious supporters the historic Sienese institution looks to the Anglo-Saxon model
Offering not only tax benefits, but also an exclusive membership with access to a wide range of benefits and networking opportunities for those who support the great music
An exemplary use of Art Bonus in the support of arts & culture
Siena, 1 ottobre 2020 – The Accademia Musicale Chigiana launches an innovative program its major donors, “In Vertice”, a bespoke initiative addressed to patrons of culture and the arts in Italy and around the world. Among the very first Italian musical institutions to benefit from the Art Bonus, the Accademia Chigiana as an institution has always been at the forefront in musical education and concert production, driving innovation and creativity in the Italian cultural and social fabric. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Sienese academy adds another precious contribution this year.
All over the world, countries with a developed philanthropic culture are able to appeal to individuals, businesses and private foundations to sustain music, arts, and cultural institutions. Philanthropic donations from the private sector have become essential in order to offset inevitable contractions in public sector funding, and especially during times of great crisis. Driven by genuine passion and desire for social participation, individual philanthropy, in particular, is an important source of funding to stimulate and promote art, music and culture.
“In Vertice” is a classic “major donors” program, created on an Anglo-Saxon model with incremental levels of recognition and appreciation for its donors, giving them an exclusive sense of belonging; members of the program are in fact encouraged to connect and network sharing their passion for music and culture. The intent of the program “In Vertice” is to help the Accademia Chigiana to grow and cultivate a community of enthusiasts who recognise themselves as supporters of its exciting journey and cultural enrichment.
«The “In Vertice” program, like the Art Bonus, is an incredible tool to stimulate a more active involvement of the individual in support of art and culture – comments Carlo Rossi, President of the Accademia Chigiana. – The international mission of our academy leads us to look beyond our national borders to those countries that have shown tremendous success in involving the private sector in support of the arts.»
First and foremost England, recognized as a leader in philanthropic culture, where philanthropic donations are fully tax deductible and the share of private investment in support of culture today represents over 15% of the total budget for cultural and artistic institutions (with the remaining percentage financed by public funds 33% and by commercial activities 52%). For non-profit institutions specializing in music, that figure increases to 18%. The share of the private sector contribution is then further divided between individual donors 43%, corporate donations 18%, and donations from foundations and trusts 38%. All with a growth rate between 5-10% per year.
«Our patrons of music are certainly driven by passion and admiration for the Academy’s mission, but they must also be encouraged with our gratitude and the recognition of their commitment – explains Angelo Armiento, Administrative Director of the Accademia Chigiana. – In the United States, each year, gala awards are organised for donors in the cultural sector, which are publicly recognised in a variety of ways. Some top donors are invited to give their names to cultural buildings, halls, museums and events; and even on a smaller scale, donors are offered the opportunity to become “members” of a community that receives privileged access and other important benefits.»
In designing the program, the Accademia Chigiana has enlisted the support of Raise Partners , an Italian-English consulting company specialised in strategic advising for non-profits, and private sector fundraising. Raise Partners curated the design of “In Vertice,” the organisational aspects, communications, and the configuration of effective ways to donate on and offline.
«A necessary condition for a mixed model of funding to culture, which relies upon both direct state contribution and tax incentives – explains Paola De Leo, Director of Raise Partners – is a high level of philanthropic development and awareness among society. In Italy, the Art Bonus is a generous incentive, but it is necessary to better stimulate public awareness of this tool and, above all, to remember that private philanthropy acts mainly out of passion, interest, and a desire to share the values of the endowed institution. These patrons expect and deserve an adequate and authentic level of involvement and recognition.»
The “In Vertice” program includes a tiered structure with three levels, the entry level is set at the Composer Circle with a minimum donation of 250 euros. Members have access to information, dedicated meetings and events, guided tours of the museum and archives, and free tickets to concerts. The most generous donors of the upper levels, the Conductor Circle and the Guido Chigi Saracini Circle, are afforded public recognition, free access to the concert seasons, and even the possibility to use the splendid halls of the Palazzo Guido Chigi Saracini in Siena for private events. “In Vertice” is therefore the instrument through which the Accademia Chigiana aims to secure a continuous and warm relationship with its supporters, inviting them to further explore the great themes of classical tradition but also facilitating the introduction of its donors and their families to discover a wider and extraordinary universe of music.
«In Vertice creates a common place of belonging for all those who share our belief that the great classical musical tradition is a fundamental element for the growth of the individual and society, and that the transmission of this immense cultural heritage to future generations is one of our most important tasks. – adds Nicola Sani, Artistic Director of the Accademia Chigiana – The Chigiana strongly believes in this mission, which it has been pursuing with commitment and determination since 1932, achieving outstanding results and enthusiastic recognition all over the world. In Vertice strengthens the Academy’s ability to pursue its mission, fostering the loyalty of the numerous music lovers to the continued success of one of the most prestigious musical institutions in Italy».
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