This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


Despite the Covid-19 emergency, courses are currently confirmed for July 5 to September 5, 2021 and may take place “in person” in Siena and/or remotely via an online digital platform.
The Academy will promptly communicate any changes in the schedule according to the development of the crisis.


Despite the Covid-19 emergency, all courses, seminars, and masterclasses (July – September 2021) are currently CONFIRMED IN-PERSON in Siena.
In the case that the instructor is unable to be present in Siena, some courses (except those which are designated to be held “exclusively in person”) may be held remotely online.
In the case that the course is held in Siena with the instructor present in the classroom, students may participate remotely only in the case that they have a proven inability to come to Siena, (this option is not available for the courses designated “exclusively in-person”). 
The following courses will be held “exclusively in-person” in Siena:
1. Voice
2. Composition
3. Choral Conducting
4. Orchestral Conducting
5. Percussion
6. Tabula Rasa
7. Chigiana-Mozarteum Baroque Masterclasses
Active students of the courses (allievi effettivi) are guaranteed a minimum of 4 hours of lectures.
The implementation of the courses and seminars will be subject to the evolution of the health crisis as well as to the related and subsequent government provisions.
The Academy will promptly communicate any changes in the programming based on the evolution of the health crisis.
In particular, if the health situation makes it impossible to resume in-person teaching activities, some courses may be held remotely via online platform.


For the students of the Accademia Chigiana, termed “active students” (effettivi) and auditors (uditori), the following rules and regulations apply:



Candidates in possession of the following requirements, who successfully pass the entrance examination (audition), will be accepted as active students.

The following students may apply as active students:

– Italian candidates in possession of an academic diploma of the second level
– foreign candidates in possession of an equivalent title 

The courses of Voice, Guitar and Chamber Music, Guitar and new music for guitar, Composition, Orchestral Conducting, Choral Conducting, and Percussion, and the Seminars: Five Centuries of Guitar, Crossing Musical Boundaries, Live electronics, Oboe and Tabula Rasa; do not require any particular title or diploma, but applicants must provide their curriculum vitae. 

For active students, there are age limits placed on the attendance of each course. These are indicated on the individual course page. The age limits are applied to the first year of attendance in a particular course (it is possible to exceed the age limit in subsequent consecutive years of attending the same course). For ensembles that can demonstrate to have been together for at least three years, the age limit can be extended to an 35 years amongst the members.

Given the age limits imposes, candidates should attach an identity document containing their date of birth to the online application form. Without this document the application will not be considered. The Chigiana-Mozarteum Baroque Masterclasses do not have an age limit. 


The entrance examination (audition) must be made by video recording to be sent together with the online application form that is accessible from this website. It must be sent by the deadline of 31 May (for the Chigiana-Mozarteum Baroque Masterclasses by 15 July)

There is an exception: an entrance examination is not required for the Tabula Rasa seminar. 

Download the suggestions for an optimal video recording

Candidates that do not pass the entrance examination may attend the courses as auditors, after registering with the Students’ Secretary. 


Documents requested for the application are:

– diplomas or certificates of musical studies
– personal identity document with date of birth
– detailed curriculum vitae
– programs of concerts held in the past^
– copy of the receipt of payment for the application-examination fee 

(^requested only for students in ensembles and Orchestral Conducting)

Students enrolled as active students in previous years are not required to present the above-mentioned documents. However, students in the Orchestral Conducting course are required to present the above-mentioned documents each year.


Applications may be made exclusively online from February 1st, 2021. The application form is accessible from this webpage.

Candidates must indicate the following on the application form:

– the works that they intend to perform for the video audition
– the works that they intend to study during the course
– for the Voice course, their vocal range
– for chamber music courses, their instrument

(for pre-formed ensembles, indicate the surname and instrument of each member)

For clarifications or information please contact the Students’ Secretary (

The application form must have the listed documents attached, including the form for the Italian Fiscal Code (for those not already in possession) and the receipt of payment for the application-examination fee


The application must be submitted by the following dates:

31 May for all courses and seminars, except the following
15 July for the Chigiana-Mozarteum Baroque Masterclasses
31 July for the seminar “Tabula Rasa” and the workshop “Tabula Rasa. Chigiana – Siena Jazz Ensemble”

Applications are not accepted via email.

If the application-examination fee has not been received the application will not be taken into consideration.


Application-Examination Fee

It must be received by the Accademia Chigiana by the application deadline. A copy of the payment receipt must be attached to the application form, including the method of payment and details of the transaction. The fee may be paid by bank transfer, postal receipt, or online with PayPal. The application-examination fee is non-refundable. How to make a Payment.

Orchestral Conducting Course 
€ 28,00 for the evaluation of qualifications 

All other courses and seminars
€ 48,00

Chigiana-Mozarteum Baroque Masterclasses
€ 25,00

Attendance fee (tuition) – ACTIVE STUDENTS

We remind applicants that the attendance fee should only be paid after receiving an official notification of acceptance to the course or seminar.  

It must be paid before the start of lessons and cannot be pro-rated or made in installments. This fee is non-refundable in the case that the student interrupts attendance. 

In the case that a fee exemption is applied the paid fee will be reimbursed. 


For courses and seminars involving ensembles, the application-examination fee must be paid by each and every member of the ensemble. 

Fee reductions for active students

The following fee reductions may be applied, but are not able to be combined:

– 30% for the attendance in a second course, including the Chigiana-Mozarteum Baroque Masterclasses*
– 45% for members of ensembles who can demonstrate previous concert activity of at least one year (by submitting programmes of past concerts)

*A “second course” is to be understood as one taken together with, or in addition to, the first course. With the sole exception of the Orchestral Conducting course, the reduction will be applied to the discipline that has a later start date.




No special qualifications are required to register; it will be sufficient to fill in the online form and pay the appropriate tuition attendance fee in euros.

The Academy reserves the right to allow, limit or exclude the presence of auditors at lessons, in particular for face-to-face courses, in order to ensure compliance with the rules to counter the spread of Covid-19.  This year, in 2021, we regret that we are not able to admit auditors to attend the courses in person, with exception of the Orchestral Conducting course. For further information or questions please contact the Segreteria Allievi at

To audit selected lessons virtually online, follow the Open Academy project on Chigiana Digital. Register for free here.


The application must be made exclusively online and will be accessible from this page beginning February 1st, 2021. 

For clarifications or more information, please contact the Student Secretary’s Office (

The form to request an Italian Fiscal Code should be attached to the online application form (to be completed by those not already in possession of the fiscal code).


It is possible to register as an auditor at any time.

Applications will not be accepted via e-mail.


Application-Examination fee – AUDITORS

There is no registration-exam fee for those who register as an auditor because they do not have to take an audition exam.

Attendance (tuition) fee – AUDITORS

The attendance fee permits the auditor to listen to the lessons of the chosen course or seminar, and can be pro-rated, but cannot be reimbursed if the student interrupts class attendance on their own initiative.

Daily admission tickets are also available.

The sale of entrance tickets is subject to the capacity of the classrooms. The administration reserves the right to suspend the sale of entrance tickets for auditors, without notice, if too many guests would interrupt the lessons or compromise safety.



The active students of the courses (allievi effettivi) will be guaranteed a minimum number of 4 hours of total lectures.
Active students must guarantee their presence during the course, respecting the complete timetable of the lessons that will be defined on the first day of the course or seminar.
Attendance will be checked at the discretion of the teacher.
Upon request of the teacher, possible exceptions will be allowed only for students of the String Quartet and Chamber Music course.


All active students who regularly attend the lessons shall receive a certificate of attendance. Diplomas and honorable mentions are also given. 


All students of the Chigiana Summer Academy (active and auditors), who have the student ID card (foto tessera), will be admitted free of charge to the Final Class Concerts by booking a free ticket at the Student Secretary’s Office. They will also be able to take advantage of reduced prices when purchasing tickets for the other concerts of the Chigiana International Festival. For the concerts of the Festival, a limited number of free tickets will be made available to active students only, to be requested by reservation in the Secretary’s Office.


It is possible to reserve practice rooms online. The reservations will open on July 10th at 12:00pm. Please read the regulations for room reservation and find more information here.


Entry to the Academy is allowed only upon presentation of a the student ID card issued by the Secretariat. It is therefore essential that all students bring a passport style photo (foto tessera) to be affixed to the card.


The activation of the courses remains at the sole discretion of the Accademia Musicale Chigiana.

from Monday to Friday 8:30-11:30 / 15.00-17.00 and Saturday 8:30-11.30.

At the conclusion of the course or seminar, we will ask you to complete a mandatory anonymous questionnaire.  We welcome your suggestions and your responses will help us to improve. The Academy thanks you in advance for your collaboration.

The personal data collected during registration will be treated as indicated in the Privacy Policy
In case of any discrepancy between the Italian and English versions of the information presented, the Italian version shall apply.


All fees must be paid in the exact amount requested in euros. Any expenses incurred for exchange transactions or bank commissions shall be paid by the student.

For ensemble music courses and seminars, the application-examination and attendance fees must be paid by each individual member of the ensemble.

Note: Credits in the form of a scholarship, or any other refund of the tuition fee paid will be made at the end of the course attended. To claim the reimbursement students must present their fiscal code and sign the receipt form at the Student Secretary’s Office. 




It must reach the Accademia Chigiana at the same time as the application form. A copy of the transaction receipt showing the payment details should be attached to the online application. 


– postal receipt
– bank transfer
– PayPal online

Fondazione Accademia Musicale Chigiana

For postal receipt:
c/c n. 14822.16 della Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Via Banchi di Sopra, 84

For bank transfers:
IBAN – IT82C0103014200000001482216

Please indicate the student’s name and chosen course or seminar.

The payment can also be made online via Paypal, indicating the student’s name and course in the notes, and inserting as the beneficiary e-mail:


Altro Importo: EUR

The application-examination fee is non-refundable.



Please note that the tuition (attendance) fee should be paid only after the Academy has notified any admission to the course or seminar.

It must be paid before the start date of the lessons. It cannot be divided, nor can it be reimbursed in the event that the student interrupts the attendance of lessons on their own initiative.

In the event that an exemption or scholarship is subsequently assigned, the tuition paid will be refunded.

Fee reductions for active students

The following fee reductions may be applied, but are not able to be combined:

– 30% for the attendance in a second course, including the Chigiana-Mozarteum Baroque Masterclasses*
– 45% for members of ensembles who can demonstrate previous concert activity of at least one year (by submitting programmes of past concerts)

*A “second course” is to be understood as one taken together with, or in addition to, the first course. With the sole exception of the Orchestral Conducting course, the reduction will be applied to the discipline that has a later start date.


The attendance fee permits the auditor to listen to the lessons of the chosen course or seminar, and can be pro-rated, but cannot be reimbursed if the student interrupts class attendance on their own initiative.

Daily admission tickets are also available.

The sale of entrance tickets is subject to the capacity of the classrooms. The administration reserves the right to suspend the sale of entrance tickets for auditors, without notice, if too many guests would interrupt the lessons or compromise safety.

Partial Attendance fees (only for auditors)

For the Orchestral Conducting course:
– One week: € 145
– Daily admission: € 28

For all the other courses and seminars:
– One week: € 70 (excluding the Chigiana-Mozarteum Barqoue Masterclasses)
– Daily admission: € 16


The Accademia Chigiana will waive the tuition fee for one student for each course. Those registered as active students can compete for the fee-waiver by sending a reasonable request, in the form of a letter to be attached to the application for registration. Applicants must declare on the application whether or not they have a source of income. These exemptions will be assigned according to a merit ranking and will consist in the reimbursement of the tuition fee paid.

Each teacher will be free to determine when to assign the fee-waiver: either at the beginning of the course, based on the outcome of the entrance exam, or at the end, after assessing the student’s merit during the course.

Holders of scholarships awarded by other entities are not eligible for this fee-waiver.

There are no fee-waivers available for the attendance of seminars or for the Chigiana-Mozarteum Baroque Masterclasses 2021.


The following exemptions will be made:
Application-examination fee

– for those who are already selected as active students in solo courses, and also want to attend ensemble music courses that accept single instrumentalists
– for active students of courses or seminars of the same instrument or discipline held by different teachers for which the payment of a single registration-exam fee is required
– for students of the Higher Institute of Musical Studies ISSM “Rinaldo Franci” who are specially selected as per the agreement with these institutions
– for students of Italian Conservatories who are recommended by the Director of their institution, even if they do not possess the required titles (please indicate “Convenzione Conservatori Italiani” in the online application form)

– for ensembles that register through Le Dimore del Quartetto for courses in String Quartet, and Viola and chamber music

Attendance fee for ACTIVE STUDENTS

– for those who are already selected as active students in solo courses, and also want to attend ensemble music courses that accept single instrumentalists
– for those awarded a fee waiver as indicated by their instructor
– for students of ISSM “Rinaldo Franci”, of the “G. Verdi” Conservatory of Milan, and Siena Jazz who are accepted as active students as per agreements with those institutions

For students of the Guido d’Arezzo Foundation, the required attendance fee is reduced by 50% of the listed amount.

Attendance fee for AUDITORS

– exemptions will be made for a limited number of students from the Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali “R. Franci”, the Conservatorio “G. Verdi” of Milan, the Conservatorio “C.Pollini” of Padova, the Fondazione Guido d’Arezzo, and Siena Jazz, as per the agreement with those institutions


Scholarships and Awards, as indicated below, are given by organizations or individuals to students who distinguish themselves in the advanced specialization courses of the Accademia Chigiana:

Note: Credits in the form of a scholarship, or any other refund of the tuition fee paid will be made at the end of the course attended. To claim the reimbursement students must present their fiscal code and sign the receipt form at the Student Secretary’s Office. 

Premio “Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena”

Again in 2021, the Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena is offering an prize of € 1,500 which will be awarded to a student of the Composition course held by Salvatore Sciarrino.

The purpose of this award is to help the winner to continue their studies and further refine their musical skills. The Prize in its entirety will be awarded on the judgment of a committee, to include a representative of the Bank, Maestro Nicola Sani, the Artistic Director of the Accademia Chigiana, and the teacher of the course.

Premio “Giovanna Maniezzo”

Again in 2021, thanks to the generous contribution of Prof. Avv. Marcello Clarich, a scholarship will be awarded in memory of Giovanna Maniezzo, a collaborator of the Accademia Chigiana for external relations, who passed away prematurely in 2018.

The Prize, worth € 1,500 gross, will be awarded to the student or ensemble of the summer courses of the Accademia Chigiana who has shown particular aptitude and ability in enhancing their image, in promoting their life and artistic activity, presenting themselves in public and communicating with others. The name of the student or ensemble to whom the scholarship will be awarded will be announced by the Academy at the end of all summer courses.

Scholarship “Rotary Club Siena”

Two scholarships of € 1,500 gross each are reserved in 2021 for students of Ilya Gringolts’ violin course and David Geringas’ cello course.

The awarding of these grants will be based on a merit ranking which, in the opinion of the teacher, and the Artistic Director of the Chigiana Academy, will emerge from the entrance examination.

Scholarship “Pie Disposizioni”

Five scholarships are reserved in 2021 for students in the Voice, Clarinet, Orchestral Conducting, Flute, and Viola and chamber music courses.

These scholarships will be awarded on the basis of a merit ranking which, in the opinion of the teacher and the Artistic Director of the Chigiana Academy, will emerge from the entrance-examination, as well as, based on the assessment of individual needs.

Scholarship “Matilde Neri Sclavo”

In 2021, students of Lilya Zilberstein’s piano course will be awarded various scholarships, for a total of € 4,500, dedicated in the memory of Mrs. Matilde Neri Sclavo, a great lover of music and passionate supporter of Chigiana. Scholarships will be awarded based on the judgment of merit expressed by the teacher.

Scholarship “Demetrio Costantino”

Thanks to the contribution of the Associazione Musicale “Musica al Tempio” of Milan, scholarships named after the late Maestro Demetrio Costantino, double bassist of the Orchestra of Teatro alla Scala, as well as conductor and composer, will be assigned to the students of the Double Bass course held by Maestro Giuseppe Ettorre. The attribution of the scholarships will take place based on the evaluation of the video audition by the course instructor.

Scholarship “Emma Contestabile”

Scholarships from the estate of Emma Contestabile allocated to the Accademia Chigiana to be used for scholarships for the professional training of students.

Other scholarships

With funds from the Accademia Chigiana, a scholarship to attend the Voice Course is granted to one of the winners of the “Francisco Viñas” International Singing Competition (upon recommendation by the competition’s jury).

The amount of this scholarship will consist of an award of € 35 gross per day, in addition to an exemption from the tuition fees.



Orchestral Conducting Course 
€ 28,00 for the evaluation of titles and video audition

All other courses and seminars
€ 48,00

Chigiana-Mozarteum Baroque Masterclasses 
€ 25,00



Masterclasses Active Students Auditors
Voice € 350 € 175
Guitar and Chamber Music € 265 € 130
Guitar and new music for guitar € 220 € 110
Clarinet € 265 € 130
Composition € 240 € 120
Double Bass € 265 € 130
Choral Conducting € 220 € 110
Orchestral Conducting
Level 1 – Ordinary Course
Level 2 – Master Course + Workshop
€ 510 *
€ 275 **
€ 415
Flute € 265 € 130
Percussion € 375 € 190
Pianoforte € 330 € 165
String Quartet and music for strings and piano € 285 € 145
Viola and Chamber Music € 265 € 130
Violin (Ilya Gringolts)
Violin (Salvatore Accardo)
€ 265
€ 350
€ 130
€ 175
Cello (Antonio Meneses)
Cello (David Geringas)
€ 265
€ 265
€ 130
€ 130
Partial Attendance fees (only for auditors)

For the Orchestral Conducting course:
– One week: € 145
– Daily admission: € 28

For all the other courses and seminars:
– One week: € 70 (excluding the Chigiana-Mozarteum Barqoue Masterclasses)
– Daily admission: € 16



Active Students Auditors
Five centuries of Guitar € 130 € 65
Crossing Musical Boundaries € 130 € 65
Live electronics € 200 € 100
Oboe € 175 € 90
New Sounds
Tabula Rasa. The art of improvisation € 155 € 80



Active Students


Singing € 200 € 100
Harpsichord and basso continuo € 200 € 100
Traverso € 200 € 100
Baroque Oboe € 200 € 100
Viola da Gamba € 200 € 100
** / * Note – more details on fees for the Orchestral Conducting course

For the Orchestral Conducting course

* Students who attend the Level 1 – Ordinary course as active students, but are not selected for the Level 2 – Master Course, may continue to attend the course as auditors without paying an additional fee. 

** Students who attend the Level 1 – Ordinary course as active students, and are then selected as active students in the Level 2 – Master Course and Workshop shall pay an additional attendance fee of € 275.

Students who are admitted to attend the lessons as “Active Auditors” shall pay an attendance fee of € 34 per day.



The following lodgings offer students of the Accademia Chigiana a discount:

Affittacamere Xenia
Via Santa Caterina, 10 / Via dei Pittori, 5
Tel. 0577-286633

Antica Residenza Cicogna
via delle Terme, 76
Tel. 0577-285613

Casa Vacanze Il Campo
via Salicotto, 73
Tel. 0577-226849


Students, upon presenting the Chigiana Student ID card as proof of their participation in the programme, have access to the following food services at special prices:

University Dining Hall / Canteen (Mensa)
– Mensa Sallustio Bandini – Via Bandini, 47 – Tel. 0577 226207
– Mensa Sant’Agata – Via S. Agata, 1 – Tel. 0577 1651840

Ristorante Orto de’ Pecci
via Porta Giustizia, 39 – Tel. 0577 222201 /

Bar Osteria Il Bargello
via di Città, 55 – Tel. 0577 045649
open for lunch and dinner


A limited number of pianos are available for student use – with precedence given to active students of the Courses for Piano or Chamber Music with Piano – both on the Academy premises and outside the Academy. To rent pianos for personal use in your accommodations in Siena, please refer to:  

Checcacci Musical Instruments
via Cesare Battisti 10 – 53100 Siena
tel. 0577 44521 /


Each student is required to take out a health insurance policy or provide a consular statement of his/her right to medical assistance deriving from international agreements.

Students from countries outside of the European Union may enter Italy upon presenting a passport and, if required, a visa granted by their country of origin. Once in Italy, they must request a visitor’s permit with the same reason given in their visa. It is not necessary to request this permit for stays for reasons of business, tourism, visits or studies shorter than three months.

European Union citizens do not need a permit for their stay in Italy.


For information please write directly to:

Università per Stranieri di Siena
Segreteria studenti
Piazza Carlo Rosselli 27/28 – 53100 Siena
Tel. 0577 240100 / 111/ Fax 0577 281030


The digital platform for distance learning at the Accademia Chigiana works with a web browser, on computers (PC and Mac), tablets (Android and iPad), and smartphones (all), without the need to download any additional software or apps.

The platform connects to the internet via web browser and allows the user to make adjustments to the settings that can help to accommodate slower connection speeds. This means an excellent audio quality can be prioritised, and the video quality can be selectively reduced, if necessary.

In order to take advantage of the best connection and audio-video quality the platform relies on two fundamental components: 

  1. Using recent hardware (newer computers or mobile devices);
  2. The speed of the user’s internet connection.



  • A computer (PC, Mac o Linux) manufactured in 2014 or later with an updated operating system, and at least 4 GB of RAM (8 GB is even better), with a webcam and internal microphone; 
  • An updated web browser (it is recommended to use Chrome). The user should close all other open browser tabs and quit all other applications;
  • A stable internet connection with at least 10 Mbps in download and 1 Mbps in upload;
  • It is recommended to use an external USB microphone;
  • It is recommended to use quality headphones.


(for students to be able to attend the lessons of other active students, or for external auditors)

  • Smartphone or tablet from 2016 or later, with the Safari browser (for iPhone – iPad) or Chrome (for Android);
  • Quality headphones;
  • An internet connection with a speed of at least 10 Mbps in download and 1 Mbps in upload;



Among the USB microphones available on the market, we recommend the following: Rode NT USB, Blue Yeti, AKG Lyra, Audio Technica AT 2020, Fifine K670 (with manual gain control and headphone jack).


Among the quality headphones available on the market, the following are notable: AKG K 240 MK II, Sennheiser HD 400s, Audio Technica ATH-M30x, Sony MDR-7506


To achieve the best audio quality a computer should be used (not a tablet or a smartphone). The computer should be paired with an external microphone of the best possible quality. 

It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that they are equipped with the proper hardware that will allow them to utilise the platform, including an external microphone, headphones, and webcam. 

In no case will the Accademia Chigiana be held responsible for the inferior quality and/or transmission of audio-video data in the case of inadequate hardware being used. The Accademia Chigiana will also not be held responsible in any case for the inferior quality of online lessons due to an insufficient internet connection on the part of the student or instructor due to their modem, infrastructure or ISP.